
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Something New With Bryton (And Ansley)

Maybe we're bad parents, errr bad Christians, since we haven't started this with our children earlier, but I'm really feeling like now is the ideal time to start doing some Bible reading / devotions with Bryton. 

For Christmas we got Bryton a kids Bible (well, book of Bible stories), and he likes it, but the stories can be a little long for a 2 year old's attention span.  (Although, he refers to it as his "Jesus book," and I won't lie, I love hearing him walk around with it referring to it as such.  It is all about Jesus.)

While shopping in the Christian bookstore the other day I came across this:

and I started thumbing through it.  Like an adults devotion book (ok, I'm not a fan of these one liner devotion books for mature Christian adults, but come on, our audience here is a 2 year old :) there's a scripture and an explanation for all of the days of the year.  They are one page long and there's a two line little poem at the bottom.  Perfect for two year old attention spans!

So I'm thinking - every night before Ansley goes to bed, we may sit around with this here book (which I, of course, didn't purchase at the bookstore for $15, but rather on Amazon for $11.95 with free shipping :), and make it part of our bedtime routine!  I'm excited about it and am praying God uses it to turn the hearts of our babies towards Him!

On another note - Aaron and I are restarting our devotion time together.  Time is just so hard to come by, but we could all use this time together, not just individually!

Go ahead, I need the accountability, check up with me on this!

1 comment:

  1. I definitely need to check this out for my Littles! Q has been memorizing some scripture, but this sounds like a great way to incorporate some Bible stories! Thanks for the recommendation!
