
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

May's Goals

After much debate, I've decided to set my limit of goals for the month at six.  Six goals seem attainable, yet seems it'd make me have to work at it as well, and that's what I'm looking for.

So here they are in black and white, the goals for May 2011:

1.  The Generic Goal:  Work out (to feel better and tone up).
     The plan to achieve that goal:  I ordered a Jillian Michael's DVD and plan to borrow a Zumba DVD from a friend.  Though I'd eventually want it to be more, I'm striving for 3, 30 minute workouts, a week, for the month of May.  I currently weigh 128 (or 130 on the doctor's scale).  I think a healthy 'goal weight' for my frame and body type would be between 120 - 125 so I'm not far off of the numerical value, but I'm more interested in toning up.  I fit into most of my pre-Ansley pregnancy clothes, though I'd like to have a flatter stomach (when sitting down) in a lot of my shirts.  BUT - my goal is to fit into these (my pre-Bryton size 28 waist jeans) and feel better about me:

 (Notice Bryton just had to be in this picture ;) AND - I had to cover the ugly belly button... bleh.  Hopefully that gets better soon.)  I know this won't happen by the time May is over.  But I'm giving myself 5 months... I'm shooting for the end of September.  I've never, ever, worked out to lose inches before in my life (not even after Bryton), so this will be a new experience for me.  Five months is a total guess for me.  (Not to mention I'm a little nervous that the 'change' of shape of my body after carrying and birthing children may not ever allow these jeans to fit 'right'.  So we'll see how it turns out.  I'm also wanting to tone my arms up. 

2.  The Generic Goal:  Get into the Word more.
     The plan to achieve that goal:  I'm usually a 'sprinter' when it comes to reading my Bible.  In other words, I'm out for quantity rather than quality.  I'm setting out this time to base my 'success' in Bible reading on something other than length.  This time, my goal is to take one book, in this particular instance a shorty - Ruth - and study it.  I want to find out everything I can about this book.  Be prepared to see blogs on my findings.

3.  The Generic Goal:  Do something for myself that I've been wanting to do, but haven't.
     The plan to achieve that goal:  I'm beginning to lose site of me.  I know I'll regain myself again (as I felt this way when Bryton was born too), but I really just feel like a robot designed to meet needs at this point.  I'm a juice-filling, bottle feeding, supper making, diaper changing, rock and bouncing machine.  I mean, that's what I do all. day. long.  So, I found this book, that, though maybe not completely 'spiritually' correct, I've ordered to take out of it what I can get out of it.  I'm sure you'll see some reviews on it.  But my 'me' goal this month is to read this book:

And we'll see what I can gain from that :)

4.  The Generic Goal:  Spend more time with Bryton.
     The plan to achieve that goal:  Two-fold.  First - Bryton knows his numbers (and can actually use them to count) from 1 - 11.  He knows colors red, blue, orange, yellow, green, purple, pink, brown, black, and white.  He can sing his ABC's.  BUT - he doesn't recognize his ABC's.  So, goal for May (a loose goal - since I'm not sure how fast he'll learn) is to learn letters A - J by site recognition and by sound by the end of May.  To add to that goal - one project of some sort every week (baking, an art project, making something, etc.)

5.  The Generic Goal:  Be happy with the house.
     The plan to achieve that goal:  Develop (and carry out) a schedule that works for house cleaning (the big things, not including dish washing, picking up, etc.)  Here's an idea of the 'schedule':

  • Laundry - This one is difficult for me.  I feel like I could almost do one load every day, but not quite.  One load every other day doesn't seem like enough, so, I'm going to shoot for a load of laundry, washed, dried, folded, and put away, every other day.  And catch up as needed.
  • Vacuuming - Sometimes done by Aaron.  Do every Tuesday.  Takes 15 minutes.
  • Dusting - Every Monday.  Takes 30 minutes to complete everything.
  • Organizing - No time frame - tackle a 'project' every Wednesday.  Complete as needed or in the following week.  (Find toys better homes, clean out drawers / closets / cabinets, etc)
  • Bathroom Cleaning - Do every other Friday with shower / sink spray downs in between.  Takes 45 minutes. 
  • Hardwood Cleaning - To be done every Thursday.  Takes 45 minutes. 
6. The Generic Goal: Social time with adults.
    The plan to achieve that goal:  Going back to my New Year's resolution - two scheduled date times with Aaron.  One will be easy this month with the golf outing.  To add to that, a girl's night out with friends.  We should really do this more often... dinner, maybe a movie... we'll see how it plays out.

And so there they are, my goals for May.  I'll keep you posted as I accomplish, or fail, at things, and see how it works for me and my level of satisfaction in life.  Stay tuned for all of the details.

Also - I must mention, a loose goal for myself is to blog at least 4 times a week.  More than half without the pressure of 'everyday'.  It may be more, but I'm going to try not to let it be less.  So please be checking back... I feel better writing when I feel like someone is reading ;)


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