
Monday, November 5, 2012

We Do Christmas

I promised you pictures, and pictures you shall receive! 

October was crazy, folks.  Crazy.  There were birthday parties and activities, halloween parties and activities, there was all of the prep for what I always tend to make a crazy holiday season (we had a Thanksgiving tree to prepare for and advent crafts and fun things to do to plan!).  And thus - I allow myself to get a little stressed.  Did I mention we had t-ball three times a week?  Add that in too.  Oh, and we sold a car and bought a new to us car.  

Phew.  So this week, I'm breathing a little.  (Although, I menu planned yesterday only to realize that my two week menu plan puts us right smack at the week before Thanksgiving - actually, days before Thanksgiving.  I don't even know what to say about that.)  

Anyway - it's not secret to those of you who have been around here for long that I love this time of year.  Yes, I have already (and unashamedly) listened to Christmas music.  Yes, I am currently (as I type) watching Elf for the second time today.  (There was nothing else on tv, and I deserved a relax naptime today, don't judge.)   I have also tricked out the blog in red and green.  You're welcome. 

So - before I go hopping, skipping, riding and flying into the *insert jovial voice* holidays, let me grace you with a few pics from last month.  Beware, there's more Christmas coming... it just comes out without me knowing.  

Here's B as our little Zebra for his preschool's fall fest.  It's called black clothing and duct tape, ya'll.  No shame.  No shame.  (Oh, and a small bit of craft foam, too.)

And here are exhibit A and exhibit B (or, rather, B and A) dressed for Preschool fall fest.  We do Noah's Arc animals.  Not everyday you see a Zebra and cow together.  Oh wait, we have a Zebra who lives with some cows near our church.  True story. 

Apparently, all of October was dress up for B.  We did a collaborated birthday party with one of B's good friends, and both boys had asked for a Toy Story theme, thus, B was Buzz, and the other little Partner was, you guessed it, Woody!  It was quite cute, and the kids had a great time.  It was a 'jumpin' party', can't beat that.

Have I mentioned how this birthday has devastated me a little?  It has.  For real.  I think it's because I know that next year will be the real devastating year, and it's only a year away.  Next year I'll be looking ahead to kindergarten.  How is this possible?!

And somehow we have reached the age of little boyhood.  Look at that smile.  I'm not sure what to do with myself sometimes.  

And finally - without any further adieu - I promised you Christmas, I warned that it was coming.  The one thing B wanted to be for Halloween this year?  The conductor to the Polar Express, so that's what we did.  I must admit - I laughed a bit, that in his little life, half of his Halloween's have had Christmas themes.  Last time daddy was Elf, momma was Jovi, and B was Santa.  (A was in the belly at this point.)  I'm good with this, always :)

 Checking the watch.  It actually has a train on the front (it's a real watch, folks... we went all out on this here costume.)

And here's a herd of children that were too cute not to photograph :) 

It's great love.  Lots of Christmas coming! 


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