
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reading through Acts

If Bible college taught me anything (except about legalism and boundaries built between 'theology') I learned a great deal about two particular books in the Bible:  John and Acts.  I have a new appreciation for both of them now.  (This was ideally why I wanted to go to Liberty, to learn more about Jesus and allow God to use me preferably for a job in ministry eventually.)  Anyway, the class on John taught me a great deal about the differences between John and the other gospels and about the 'disciple whom Jesus loved.' Ahem.  The Acts class, so I thought, taught me seemingly nothing until I wrote my final paper on the book when it all came together for me. 
Acts, to me, is a book about revolutionary leadership coming right after the revolution (Jesus).  Ultimately, we find in Acts 1:8 that the gospel is to be taken to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.  As Acts unfolds we see, as God ordained, the gospel taken to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the 'ends of the earth.'  We see Gentiles being delivered the message of salvation.  We see anti-christian radicals like Saul be completely transformed by God and become a radical for proclaiming the good news.  We see Christians die for their faith and jailed for their faith.  We see the church really begin to exist.  We see opposition, and we see determination.  And I really love the book of Acts.
I love the zeal and zest of the people... all of the people.  It was a time when people stood for something.  Some stood for God, some stood against him... but at least they stood.  There was zeal and passion in their convictions. 
We aren't like that now-a-days.  We're more complacent and wishy washy.  Not many completely stand against God, but many just choose to 'not believe'.  And we as Christians, well, we don't seem to believe enough about what we preach to really seem concerned that the people who live with us and amongst us will spend eternity somewhere one day.  It almost seems as if the two go hand in hand.  At the time of the most opposition, was the time of the greatest revolution.  We see over and over in Acts that their 'numbers grew'.  And those aren't evangelist numbers.  Those weren't bow your head and pray this prayer numbers, those were people  falling in love with Jesus.  It seems when people see you standing up, against opposition, they decide your cause is a cause worthy of the standing. 
So where does this leave us?  When do we become the radicals?  When do we love Jesus in such a way that He oozes from our pores.  Seems like a good time to me... for life is but a vapor...

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Alicia - I have thought and talked about this very subject many times. People will say that the kind of radical devotion found in Acts is not possible now because we are so far removed in time from having Jesus right here with us in the flesh - but I say that a true encounter with Jesus is still possible, and that encounter can and should turn your life into something people want to know more about.
