
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Personal Update

It's been awhile since I just updated on us... so here it is.

Let's see... Aaron's working hard this week.  It's VBS week, which is always difficult for him, missing all of his mornings to plan the same number of lessons he always does and his same Sunday morning worship service, not to mention all of the other 'desk work' he does during the week.  We always feel the stress on VBS week... next week will be nice for us to relax a couple of days and celebrate our anniversary.

Bryton is great!  He is such a delight at this stage.  (I hope he is at every stage ;)  He is finally getting some words out!  Of course those of you who know me know I freaked about this for a long time... waiting for the little guy to spit it out.  He had been right on the ball with all of his other milestones, but was dragging a little bit on this one.  The dr., after seeing him last, laughed at him and told me he was lazy.  Fine with me, lol.  But it seems like we're getting new words out everyday now.  Some consonants and blends are still giving him a time, but I've finally calmed down some.  His favorite word right now has to be daddy, which I'm convinced he says 9,483, 713 times each day.  He does know momma now too, so I'm good with that.  He also likes ball, bup (cup), baboon (balloon), spoon, shoe (he struggles with the sh but we know what he means), puppy, Zeke, kitty (since we visited the File's house last night), hi, and bye bye... to name a few.  He is even starting to distinguish between certain kinds of balls, namely footballs and basketballs.  (Basket is another one of his favorite words)  Unless things change, I see an athlete (or at least a wanna be athlete) in our future.

Me, well, most of you know I'm pregnant.  7 weeks and 4 days to be exact, and I'll be honest, I'm exhausted.  Sick and exhausted.  This pregnancy threw me through a loop, because I wasn't expecting at alllll to be feeling this way.  Bryton's pregnancy was a breeze.  No exhaustion, no nausea, no aches and pains... no real symptoms besides a growing belly and my swelling at the very end... and everything his pregnancy wasn't, well, this one is.  My friends tell me it has to be a girl because of the difference.  If my calculations are right, we should find that out about the end of October.  I don't know that I can wait that long.
I did have a little bit of light bleeding which resulted in getting some bloodwork done, a rhogam shot, and then an ultrasound, but everything checked out well.  Baby is growing right on schedule and had a heartbeat of 145.  My next appointment isn't until mid-August. 

We still have intentions of finishing our basement.  It's moving way slower than we once expected.  I think we both need a big jump-start.  We've really just not been working on it.  We are somewhat inexperienced at this home renovation thing, and so I don't really know that we have any idea what to do next.  It should be interesting to see what transpires there.

So anyway, that's us right now.  I'll be updating periodically, and of course will be couponing and sharing my heart.  Keep checking back. 


1 comment:

  1. i am sorry you guys have been soooo busy. i think of your crazy schedule often.

    i know about house stuff moving slowly! i imagined we would be done in early july lol and we are still going! but it will be worth it all in the end, for both of our projects. :)

    and baboon is my favorite hahahaha!
