
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lots and Lots of Open Tabs

Have you ever heard people say they are so busy that they are afraid things may start falling through the cracks?

Or have you seen the e-card on pinterest that explains that a woman's brain is like 4,279 tabs open in a browser window?

That's been my life lately.

I'm just a bit overwhelmed.

But I'm thankful.  I'm thankful for opportunities.  I'm thankful for a job in which I get to see both of my kiddos sporadically throughout the day.  I'm thankful for a house that may be in a little more disarray than I'd like, but provides a roof over our head.  I'm thankful that we've been eating better, even if it does take longer.  I'm thankful for every minute I get to watch B play baseball, even if Tuesdays and Thursdays are our most difficult days.

I'm overwhelmed, but I'm thankful for it.  I'm thankful for the blessing that is children, family, church, income, faith, and service.

And so - since I've been a wee bit overwhelmed, here's a brief overview of where we've been:

Our lovely female offspring has been having some separation anxiety in pretty much every realm of life: church, school, and bed.  What had been increasingly frustrating bedtimes I'm now trying to combat with lots of love, a cuddle session with a story, and an open door policy.  The policy being as long as she stays in bed, her door can remain open.  These tactics come after many miserably failed attempts at a sticker chart (which worked beautifully for potty training), a new doll, many scoldings, lots of different items / activities taken away, etc.

It was in this process the other night that I truly believe the Lord convicted and brought to my mind my own childhood... in which my parents had to put me to sleep on the couch and carry me to my room.  It's the only way I could sleep, and they showed me grace.

In other news, B is baseball playing again.  I think I'd be fine if this was the only sport he ever played, though I'm sure he would do fine in others, and I would enjoy them equally as well.  It's just so... enjoyable.

School has started again, and I'm ready to be 'in the swing of it' again.  Besides, that, it's been well so far!

We are on a healthy eating lifestyle, as a family, which hopefully that accountability will put us on it 'for good'.  We are taking a cheat day a week for the sake of giving ourselves a little leeway.  Let me just say, as sick as my Steak n Shake made me feel today... I'm not sure I care if I ever eat again...

And I'm considering becoming a coffee drinker.  I know, I know, not something you convince yourself to do, but all of this water, and the need for caffeine, and my new love for Starbucks, I'm hoping I can create something (easily and quickly) at home that will be extremely low cal and a good way to start the day.

I just read through the book of Ruth in my study time.  I also 'restarted' a journey notebook, something to write my prayers and struggles, the things I'm thankful for, where I'm reading, and what God is teaching me.  I've found it makes me more attentive.  It makes me apply what I've read more.  And I've grown a renewed love for Ruth.  I mean, really.  How many women marry a man, he dies, and she sticks with her mother-in-law to the extent of traveling to an unfamiliar land and serving to keep them both afloat.  Of course, we know that God provides perfectly for Ruth and Naomi, but to watch Ruth's 'fruit of the spirit' play out throughout the entire book (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control).  The patience alone that Ruth showed the night at the threshing floor, waiting for Boaz to wake.  I'd be a nervous wreck.  I can't lie next to the hubs for any period of time before I feel the need to wake him.  I've been blessed by her story.

And thus, it is 'fall' (read: I hear the temperatures are cooling and even leaves are changing in OTHER parts of the country.)  I love everything about fall.  Granted, here in the south we don't get much fall... but I'm more than ready to relish in it when it gets here.

And yes, I'm counting down days until Christmas.  And yes, I do have half my Christmas shopping done :)

Until next time -

1 comment:

  1. I really love to journal, too, it makes me happy that you do! I also write out my prayers and what I'm reading--I've found it helps me actually remember what I'm praying for and what I'm reading. My mind feels like a bazillion open tabs most of the time, and it can be hard for me to even remember what I need to be praying for. :(
    Sounds like, despite the busyness, you guys are doing good! We miss y'all, and are anxious for fall with you. Saying a prayer that little miss will come to love her bed. It was super sweet (and convicting!), you sharing about your parents grace with you when you were little. :)
