
Saturday, September 1, 2012

As Promised

So in my last post I told you a bit about our 21 day challenge to push into the Lord.  I believe I remember our pastor saying something to the effect of, "Be prepared, distractions will come your way if you make Jesus a priority."  Maybe he didn't.  Maybe I made that up.  Either way, they have. 

School is on the horizon, and when I say on the horizon, I mean we had two in-service days last week and meet the teacher, and school starts on Tuesday.  The proverbial 'horizon' may not even be close enough.  

So with the start of school, I personally have been busy trying to juggle housework now that I don't have any and every moment of every day to get around to it, I've been trying to get lesson plans squared away and prepared for (may I mention that I left all of my school material at school this weekend - doesn't exactly help get anything done), as well as get the kids packed up, prepared and ready for their first day.  

Those things I expected.  What I didn't expect is for my oldest to begin screaming and crying something fierce from his room on Thursday night, multiple times, after only complaining of a runny nose for maybe an hour prior to bed.  I was also not expecting him to be diagnosed with a pretty good ear infection less than 24 hours after the runny nose.  I then wasn't expecting the youngest child to wake up screaming from her nap majorly congested and with a gross runny nose when her brother was on his way home from the doctor.  Which means I wasn't expecting a trip to urgent care with her this morning.  (She's fine.)  

And aside from all of those 'non-expectations' - I also wasn't expecting three nights in a row (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday) of horrible, vivid nightmares on my part causing me a severe lack of sleep, and then to wake up with an awful migraine this morning.  

Distractions.  Let's all say it together.  

But anyway - Brother is on medication (a lot of it), but after his dose of antibiotic today should no longer be contagious.  (May I mention he never ran a fever!  Crazy.)  A has started Claritin (since her diagnoses was, and I quote, "it's either the very tale end of an upper respiratory virus, and she shouldn't be contagious at this point (though symptoms just started yesterday, doubt it's the 'tale end' of anything), allergies, which is very possible, or, hey, look there, she's getting another canine or two in.  Could be that!"  Why, thank you, Captain Obvious.  I could have told you that.  Just glad her ears are clear.  And all of that being said, they both were healthy for their meet the teacher extravaganza the other night!  Which is where the 'as promised' title comes into play!  I have pictures!

B has the privilege of having Ms. Becca and Ms. Melissa as his teachers this year.  He's here with Ms. Becca.  She's a new teacher at our preschool this year, like I am, and she seems very sweet!  He's so excited to start!  He even has two of his very good church friends in his class!  (Que the old girl scout song, "Make new friends, but keep the old...")

And here A is with her sweet teachers, Ms. Kay and Ms. Margaret.  I've known these women for all of four days and they are sweet like honey, let me tell ya!  I don't think I could have hand-picked more patient, sweet women to be with our one year olds!  Ansley isn't stoked to be in school, as if she realizes that she will be, but she cries every time I leave her at this age.  Plus side:  she's easily distracted and happy after about two minutes.  This will be good for her.  (Keep telling yourself that, mom.)  My room is right between my two kids' rooms, and I love that.  Close if something happens!  Don't mind her sweaty hair here.  See that slide in the background?  She had just dominated it.  

Speaking of my room, I thought you may like to see it, too! (Ahem - our room, Ms. Heather - I could not have done it without her.  We have a tiny room and it takes forever to get it the way you want it!  New respect for you, teachers!  Ms. Heather spent two afternoons taking down very distracting frog and cattail border.  Yikes!)  

Above you can see a couple of things:  the red / green pattern you see is our alphabet, with the 'letter of the week' board above it (A is for 'almighty'!), with our color charts on either side (our color of the month is red).  Our numbers are above our "blackboard" (which is really paper with the kids names posted with a clothespin to hang their 'go home' work for the day.  Our memory verse is in the green square in the middle).  Their table with their assigned seats is obviously right there on the bottom.  (May I mention how long it takes to make paper chains?  That used to be fun to make as a kid, didn't they?  Anyway.)

In this above picture is our shape chart, weather chart and our gumball machine (to help us learn our colors!)  This is where circle time will take place, and to the right is our changer.  We are early twos, remember.  Ten kids makes for a lot of diapers.  

And lastly, our door, the kids cubbies, and an "I'm here" chart.  We're only missing their pictures of them holding a sign with their names for them to move from one wall to the next when they come in.  

We are really excited with how it has come together!  Now we're excited to see the kids utilize it!  

Well, until next time! 


1 comment:

  1. i hope you love it! i know you will! and for ansley, it will be good for her. as hard HARD as it is to leave sam, it has been good socially for him to be with the other kids and learn to play together and to deal with noise and people in his space. ;)
